Top-Level Sessions

<#5303#> A <#3005#>top-level-session<#3005#> is a special kind of <#3006#>top-level-shell<#3006#> used to communicate with a session manager. According to standard interclient communication conventions[#icccm##1###], an application should create at least one ``main window'' which is a <#3009#>top-level-session<#3009#>; typical applications use only one <#3010#>top-level-session<#3010#>. The accessors defined by the <#3011#>top-level-session<#3011#> class allow the application programmer to initialize and modify the standard top-level window properties used to communicate with the window manager. See [#icccm##1###], Section 5.1.1.

<#4712#> <#4472#><#3016#>top-level-session Class<#3016#><#4472#>




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